Inspired by actual events: A film about the education of four high school students in the inner city

WeScreenplay: “You can feel the pavement beneath your feet”

BlkLst: “8 - Filled with a unique chaotic beauty

Failing public schools


The re-invigoration of racism

The Charter schools debate

URBAN ED takes on these issues head-on, chronicling the experiences of a filmmaker who also taught in the inner city of what U.S. News & World Report called “The Worst City To Live In the U.S.” - and watched how hearing such things affects a classroom community.

Working in partnership with the schools that inspired the film.

URBAN ED is a story of grit and raw authenticity being filmed in a never-before-done grassroots manner, shooting in the classrooms that inspired the script, with the real-world students and teachers the film intends to paint a portrait of, and leaving the majority of our budget in that city.